but much to his horror, the next morning he discovered that as well as the big pour there were also a lot of little paws - all over the base of his magnificent creation! It didn't look like a gentle stroll, it seemed as if Basil or Frances (or possibly both of them and a whole group of feline friends) had taken up tap dancing.
I suspect Florence, she may look innocent but she is concealing something
In between all this industrious creativity there was time for socialising as well. Monsieur La Poste and Madame La Poste called in for a coffee. (Monsiuer La Poste expressed his firm opinion that as deco devotees we should incorporate a representation of Freda Stark in our water feature.) Then The Canucks arrived with all the fixings for delicious sangria, which we enjoyed in the shade under the old plum tree. Mr Canuck was firmly of the opinion that a seal with a ball on its nose would be just the thing for us.
Sangria - nectar of the gods
She offered no advice as to the best statuary, but she did offer a piece of her water lily and the possibility of some fish from a kindly benefactor she knows! Heaven.
While Mr Shoestring was beavering away outdoors on Monday I did my best to make progress on art deco costumes, but somehow the urge had left me. I felt it was imperative that I should plant the cosmos seeds Madame La Poste had kindly brought me - after all, "fresh is best" with seed.
Mrs Peaceable had told me that she was going to start making her Christmas presents for next year immediately, and be prepared in good time. What a good idea! I thought I could make a start with one or two small things to begin with, so made a sachet stuffed with lavender, lemon verbena and rose geranium.
But how strange to give someone a linen container for their pyjamas or linen and feel the need to name it. I suppose it would prevent the all time gift horror situation. "Thank you so much, I have always wanted one of these - what is it?" Or did the embroiderers really worry that the recipient might stuff it full of kitchen utensils or shoes perhaps? Odd, very odd.
And speaking of delicious drinks, we had some El Transistor with Mrs Peaceable. It was a very tasty Spanish white wine, but the label was something I wish I could remove from the bottle and keep as a souvenir, what a lovely piece of artwork. Can you see the transistor in the upper left hand corner?