Monday, September 26, 2011

The Week That Was

Things are hotting up in the garden now.  Last week the cherry and plum trees were bare, this week they are a froth of blossom and the bees are feasting on their nectar. 

The birds are busy building nests and scratching up all the mulch on the garden.  I have to report though that the birds and I are not on good terms at present.  Having presented them with their very own birdbath imagine my disappointment when I realised they are pointedly ignoring it.  To add insult to injury they waited until Mr Shoestring had carefully sewn his grass seed (yes, the lawn obsession continues), then called all their friends to come over for a pot luck dinner.  There was a flock of finches feasting on the new seed.  Poor things, I realised they must be starving so I bought them a lovely bird feeder and some special bird feeding seed.  Did they use their feeder?  No, they did not, the ungrateful things!  They feign unawareness of its existence and continue to eat all the lovingly sewn grass seed. 

At the local church sale on Saturday we found these two books published to commemorate the Queen’s coronation.  The breathless enthusiasm for all things royal seemed evocative of a more innocent time which has passed, never to return.  I somehow can’t envisage the Commonwealth whipping itself up into a frenzy of excitement when (if) Prince Charles comes to the throne. 

When Wynn called in and took me to Tarnished Frocks and Divas she gave me this wonderful old scale.  Note the little weights which measure in ounces.  It is so pretty, it begs to be put on display in the kitchen.

 At the same time Wynn donated the cute Wee Willie Winkie candle holders which we can use outdoors in the summer time. 

And that clever Fran, knowing of Mr Shoestring’s penchant for all kitchen implements wooden, presented him with a very special whisk which he plans to give a painted red handle to.   Needless to say, he was suitably impressed and eternally grateful!

Coincidentally, at the church sale he found a wooden handled potato masher (50 cents) which will receive the same treatment, so he is very pleased with himself.  I am sure that one day he will have collected one of every kind of wooden handled retro kitchen tool and will have to turn his attentions elsewhere, but for now he happily continues his quest. 

We had to leave Shoestring Cottage early this weekend, to come back to Auckland for a rugby world cup party but I made the most of my time there and made four new blocks for the rainbow crazy quilt and planted more seedlings in the garden.  The peas and beans from last week seem to be very happy and the new fuchsias, Chatham Island lilies and hare’s foot ferns are happy so far too.  In fact the garden is beginning to look as though it may be full before too much longer – the new magnolias will be a picture next year if all goes according to plan and the strawberries are already forming fruit.  Much though it upset me I admitted defeat where the birds are concerned (they are rapidly revealing their true natures to me) and covered them with a rather unattractive hoop and netting affair to prevent marauders robbing the fruit as soon as it starts to ripen.  Ha!  See how you like that, my feathered friends!  

Hoop petticoat daffodil - I have tried to grow them in every garden I have ever possessed and this is the first time one has ever flowered for me!  Onwards and upwards!  Even better results next year!


  1. Spring is there and Fall is here! So interesting to see what is happening in different parts of the world! I enjoy your blog! Love the scale!

  2. Thanks very much Egretta. Yes, it is so strange to think that while I am celebrating the joys of spring weather you are looking forwards to fall (or autumn, as we call it). I have been watching all your pumpkins and your craft happenings, what fun you are having!
