Sunday, July 29, 2018

Success At Last With The Birds

Mr Shoestring couldn't wait to see whether the birds had finally relented and started to eat all, or any, of his offerings this weekend.  He was overjoyed to see that the wax eyes had finally twigged to the delights on offer, and were eagerly partaking of the feast.  Mind you, it wasn't all plain sailing.  He had to move (yet again) the logs of bird food, the support and the feeder because for some reason they were suspicious and didn't like the spot he had placed them in.  This meant quite a lot of activity in the garden but finally they are happy, and so is Mr Shoestring.  The strange thing is that they will even enter the pagoda-like bird house to feed, which they never would before.  When we recently had a national back garden bird survey one of the findings was that though tuis are more plentiful, for some reason wax eyes (pihiphi) are waning, so it's particularly pleasing to see them flocking to the bird feeder and Mr Shoestring spent a good part of the weekend gazing adoringly at his avian darlings.

Mind you, he didn't spend the entire weekend on the birds.  He has had this fabulous old fan heater for a long time but of course it wasn't in working order.  He is very pleased with the results of his labours and it does throw out a good blast of warm air, still necessary sadly, though it is nowhere near as cold as it was a few weekends ago.

When we were at winter art deco weekend I was thrilled to spy a "For Home And Country" badge in an op shop; I think it fits in nicely with the For Home And Country teaspoons and the Queen's visit memorabilia.  I also found four more of the sherry glasses commemorating the royal visit, so soon I will be able to have a little sherry party.  I shall wear my For Home And Country badge along with the little fold out book commemorating the visit of Her Royal Highness and the medal also.  In for a penny, in for a pound; no point in doing things half heartedly, after all.

This weekend, after the triumph of having finished a quilt last weekend, I decided to give myself a break from quilts.  Mainly because my right index finger was bleeding after all the labours last weekend, it must be said.  I decided to make some dolls using old wooden pegs I had lying around and it was rather fun, but the results for facial features and hair are quite variable.  Some of them look perplexed and some of them look cross, but I am comforting myself with the thought that when they have some clothing to cover their poor little wooden bodies they will be a lot happier, especially in this weather.  I can't wait to start making them some clothes and jewellery, hats and what not, that will be the fun part.

While I was fossicking around looking for supplies (most of which I never did unearth), I found a lot of old bits and pieces of broken jewellery, so I had a go at putting it to use again

and made a couple of big brooches and rosettes to decorate winter coats. 

Then I found some labels for quilts and resolved that I must label the four I have finished in the last couple of years.  (Lordy lordy, it gives me a thrill to be able to say that I have finished four, not that I like to boast you understand.)  I can never remember when I start or finish my projects so it seems like a good idea to put labels on them, though I usually forget.  So I will put these to good use

Especially the pansy ones, of course.  

Next weekend though it would be better to confine myself to just one project, instead of getting distracted and trying to do so many different things.  Definitely would achieve more that way, though possibly it wouldn't be quite so much fun!

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