Sunday, September 22, 2019

Roll On Sunshine

At last some sunny days in the garden, and a chance to get out there with the bees and rattle some weeds, give them a fright even if not mortally wound them.  Today I spent some happy time putting bags of coffee grounds and compost onto the earth's surface, and  watching the worms writhing about.  I like to think they are in a feverish state of excitement at the prospect of being released from the dark coffee ground bags, but maybe it's just the sudden exposure to light and sunshine after having spent their entire lives in the cool dark coffee grounds which makes them respond so.  (And how they get into the bags in the first place, when they are tied tightly closed, is always a mystery to me as well.  Nowt so clever as these lowly creatures which we like to think have very little in the way of intelligence.)

Early spring time is associated in my mind with intense yellow greens, such as the new growth on oak trees, and these oxalis leaves (this is an ornamental oxalis and not the noxious weed, but just to be on the safe side I'm confining it to pots.  It has lovely bright pink blossoms, another shade associated with early spring in my mind.  

Things in the pink and purple themed garden, though not strictly sticking to their colour scheme, are cooperating very nicely with me at present.  The pelargoniums are always the most obliging and will happily take off from a little piece stuck into the earth, and reward by blooming their hearts out.

I usually resist the urge to buy tulip bulbs, because of the way they need lifting and care if they are going to bloom again next season, but this season I gave in and bought these outlandish frilled pink ones, which I am really pleased with.  Also some which are such a deep purple as to be almost black, very exotic and worth spending a bit of loose change on. 

I had to have a few ranunculus and the pure white colour of these ones combined with the startling yellow of the central sepals always makes me pause for closer inspection. 

As well as the hundreds of blue bluebells, the pink shaded ones are clumping up nicely with time and multiplying every bit as keenly as the blue, which is something of a surprise as the "original" variety usually seems to be the most vigorous form.  

The tulips seem to be emerging and blooming at varied rates, which is good because it extends the season of enjoyment.  This pot is still getting ready to flower and some are almost past their best already.

Indoors things are looking rather sad and dusty because the urge to be outdoors has been too strong to resist.  Two things which are very happiness-making though are the charming tea cosy I managed to enviegle out of my dear sister.  Sitting there and admiring it so fulsomely must have been the magic which made her part with it.  I love the way it is lined with silk, and both sides are embroidered rather than just one.  And it has the most cunning little chimney which is also cross stitched, and attached after the rest of the cottage was put together.  What a special adornment for the teapot, I'm afraid my old cosy has been tossed aside and disregarded altogether.  

And here you can see that the front and back of the cost are different from one another too, how wonderful is that?

The other thing which has received attention indoors is the jewellery box Mr Shoestring kindly gave me as a birthday gift.  It is in perfect condition and now houses my art deco weekend "jewels" (mostly from the op shop, but I'm not fussy).  

It is cunningly contrived with four different layers and the individual layers open out so that different pieces can be stored on different levels, what a clever innovation.  It has only taken me five years or so to actually put my treasures in there, but these things take time.  

The other thing which has been pleasing at the cottage lately is this tiny little manicure set in a bakelite case, the most perfect shade of art deco green of course.  As a person whose hands are usually somewhat affected by the rigours of the garden and who isn't particular as to her manicure, this is something I should make more use of but I am content to just look at it and admire it.  Like the jewellery box, it is very cleverly contrived with its hinged lid and little slots inside for the four tiny manicure tools to fit into.  Admirable.  

No matter whether it is your spring, summer, autumn or winter, I hope you are taking time to do some of the things which thrill you and make the days more enjoyable.  I have been working away on a quilt I'm trying to finish, and I suddenly realised I was working on the very same one exactly a year ago with the same aim.  And that I started it about 15 years ago.  It's about the journey, not the destination.  Just as well!  

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